
Showing posts with the label article

Rise of Hussain : Causes behind the great battle (Part 2)

 After the demise of Imam Ali, the son of Ali and grandson of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Imam Hassan attained the caliphate. At this time the Muslim society had assumed a peculiar form. Their strength had been divided almost evenly, and if Imam Hassan had continued fighting against Mu'awiya (the other contender for the caliphate) neither of the two parties could expect victory without severe bloodshed. The result of such fighting would have been disastrous for the Muslims. Hence, Imam Hassan was faced with a situation in which he had no alternative but to come to terms with Mu'awiya and prevent senseless bloodshed. If he had persisted in fighting it would have resulted in gain to the Eastern Roman Empire on the external front and to the Khawarij within the Islamic territories. If those 400,000 or 500,000 Muslims had attacked one another on that day and fighting with Mu'awiya had been continued only God knows what calamity would have fallen on the Muslims from the side of ...

Rise of Hussain: Causes behind the great battle of Karbala (Part 1)

 It was the 7 century A.D., Europe was still a wilderness. Rome and Greece were still pagans; the Christian creed emanated from the welding of the monastic Christianity with the pagan cult of Rome, affected by King Constantine of Rome, after about 300 years after the departure of Jesus was still ignorant of the elementary knowledge about the world. Its knowledge even about the earth was childish for even centuries later it had yet to pelt stones on Columbus when he told them that the earth was round. This was the state of Europe when Islam had already preached the truth about the universe as a whole. The truth which even to this day is the highest and the modern scientists, with all their claims of wonderful advancement, have yet to arrive at the Islamic disclosures already made through the Holy Qur'an. The only hope lay in the most practicable and the most reasonable Faith, Islam, and its practice, but, with the alienation of the righteous Family Members of the Prophet Muhamm...

Hussain who said ‘No’: The Universalist

  Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “Death with dignity is better than a life of humiliation.”  Just over 50 years of the death of Muhammad (the last Prophet of Islam), the Muslim rulership was sliding into corruption under the tyrant Yazid, from the Ummayad family. Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him), the son of Ali and the grandson of Muhammad (PBUH), was born in 620 AD in the city of Medina. He came from a family renowned for their strong values of justice, charity, and peace – the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) was widely respected across the lands of Arabia and beyond for his generosity, sincerity, and wisdom. Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) took a stand against Yazid’s evil rule. Whilst Yazid was feared and hated for his ruthlessness, Hussain was loved and respected by society. Yazid realized this and understood that if he could convince Hussain to support him and gets his allegiance, the people would too. A pai...

Angels cried for her

The angels cried for her as she was too innocent and naive to understand that the parrots she just freed would be the cause of her death by torture. Zohra Shah was just an 8-year-old innocent girl when she succumbed to injuries in a local hospital in Rawalpindi. She was brought to the hospital by her killers. Soaked in her blood, the poor angel was unconscious and her entire body turned blue owing to merciless torture and later she died because she was young enough to tolerate the excruciating pain. She committed two crimes i.e. she freed the expensive parrots and she was a poor domestic worker. Her employer had beaten her like a beast. Imagine a minor girl being kicked again and again in her private parts for countless painful minutes for a crime which wasn’t a crime in her eyes. Being herself a captive, she couldn’t see the parrots in the cage sighing for freedom. Zohra Shah, an unpaid domestic worker, was killed in the affluent neighborhood of Rawalpindi, Pakistan’s fourth-largest c...

Pakistan’s supply chain dilemma: Logistically wrong policies

Transport and logistics being important component of supply chain management play a vital role in the modern economy but in Pakistan, this sector has been facing severe challenges owing to the lack of innovative policies and vision of the government.   Pakistan has kicked off the China Pakistan Economic Corridor but, unfortunately, it considered that a mere road construction across the country will solve all the issues related to the logistics sector.  On the other hand, the developed countries mainly focused its policies on the logistics industry and gave it a proper status and their progress is visibly playing a vital role in the modern economy.  Pakistan’s logistics and transport sector depend upon railways, roads, ports, and air cargo. Railway – despite its growth at snail’s pace – is the single major mode of transport for the public sector. Recently it was discovered in a news story that as many as 141 out of a total 474 diesel-electric locomotives of Pakistan Railways are not in ...

The chaotic moon-sighting

It has become a routine matter in our lives every year that we literally sweat for Eid moon sighting. Every year Ramadan starts and ends with confusion. Its actually quite ironic that in this digital age in which there are countries trying to explore the darker areas of space and we the muslims of India and pakistan still depend on a 70 year old feeble cleric to resolve this obligatory matter for us . The matter is daunting and distressing now as this year we witnessed a feud here in pakistan between the govt minister and clerics. The science ministry lead by ‘not so popular’ Fawad Chaudry declared Eid few hours before the route hilal committee who gets salaries for the only job they almost fail every year to do so. This year it was more baffling for them as they took almost 5 hours to announce the Eid in a perplexing manner as the cleric leading the committee looked fragile and unclear while announcing the festive day. And if that wasn’t enough , a sectarian rift started immediate...

10 life changing books to read before you die

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird is a favorite book of pretty much everyone. The protagonist is a young girl named Scout and except for her father, all the main characters in the book are marginalized by the power structure of their town — a structure that still exists nearly everywhere — where wealthy white men control the lives of everyone else, and even the members of that group who want to use their status for something honorable, like Scout's father Atticus, cannot win against the flattening wave of that power.  Until something about that structure really changes, this book will remain required reading for every person around the world. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Vladimir Nabokov’s astonishingly skillful and controversial work of fiction introduces us to literary professor and self-confessed hebephile Humbert Humbert, the perhaps unreliable narrator of the novel. Cloaking his abuse in the allusive language of i...

Breach of social distancing

The government has recently decided to ease the lock down following less number of cases being reported in the country. According to the top government officials they were expecting a high number of cases which didn’t turn out to be true. AS the government eased the lock down restrictions, a couple of days ago, masses threw the idea of social distancing aside and flouted the corona virus prevention guidelines. People can be seen standing close to each other without masks and they are constantly touching their faces. It can be witnessed anywhere official conferences to queues outside shops and banks, the situation is no different. It has been told on many forums by the health officials and the world health organization that a person can be infected by breathing in the virus if they are within a few feet of an infected person. Despite that the importance of practicing precautions appears to be lost on many occasions. This attitude towards a virus which has infected around 9000...

A wake-up call for NH&MP

Inspector General National Highways & Motorways Police (NH&MP), Zulfiqar Cheema is reputedly one of the finest officers. Recently he came up with the idea of establishing ‘wake-up points’ for the drivers on motorways. Unfortunately, NH&MP need to wake up its operational staff more than ‘wake up points’ for the drivers. Some negligent incidents have been taking place right under the nose of the NH&MP officials, which could have been resulted into a total devastation. On October 31 I was traveling in a local bus with the registration number Peshawar C-9543 from Rawalpindi to Lahore. This vehicle was all set to hit the road with its pathetic traveling conditions. As the bus checked in from the Rawalpindi toll plaza, it was reverted back due to another major problem: the bus was traveling without any route permit. The driver had previous experience of ditching the NH&MP staff, so he decided to take another route. The bus thus checked in from the Turnol entry ...