Hussain who said ‘No’: The Universalist
Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “Death with dignity is better than a life of humiliation.” Just over 50 years of the death of Muhammad (the last Prophet of Islam), the Muslim rulership was sliding into corruption under the tyrant Yazid, from the Ummayad family. Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him), the son of Ali and the grandson of Muhammad (PBUH), was born in 620 AD in the city of Medina. He came from a family renowned for their strong values of justice, charity, and peace – the family of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) was widely respected across the lands of Arabia and beyond for his generosity, sincerity, and wisdom. Hussain (Peace Be Upon Him) took a stand against Yazid’s evil rule. Whilst Yazid was feared and hated for his ruthlessness, Hussain was loved and respected by society. Yazid realized this and understood that if he could convince Hussain to support him and gets his allegiance, the people would too. A pai...